Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Comin' Home!

Well, it's the last night of our cruise and we are in the home stretch - will arrive in NOLA at 7am tomorrow (Thursday). We almost missed the ship leaving on Saturday. After the run in Clinton, we dashed home to Madison, showered, changed clothes, finished packing, ran by the bank, grabbed a 'superfood' Wendi's burger (first since starting MM) and arrived in NOLA at 2 pm. There was a bad wreck on the Interstate near Causeway Blvd exit and we were stuck for an hour. Made it to the cruise terminal with 30 min. to spare!

I cracked the whip and had Jana on the Treadmill or Elliptical EVERY MORNING!! No kidding. We workied out, according to the MM schedule, before 8am every morning, including all the machines in the gym today. Jana also ran the elliptical 30 min this morning after the machines. It's a good thing, because with all the food around this place, all you 'teenage eaters' woud be in paradise!

We've had great weather, and a great time. Highly recommended for R&R. No phones, no email, no blogs (missed them) and no worries, except deciding WHERE to eat next!

Hey, isn't technology amazing. I can sit in the lobby of the crusie ship and be online (fairly good high speed). Also, now cell phones work pretty much anywhere in the Caribbean on the ship, as well as in Mexico. (Can't imagine the per minute cell charges, but at least it's available).

See everybody Saturday morning (except poor Mark) at the REZ.

Clark (and Jana)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Finally, A Blog...

I haven't blogged in a while, I guess because I'm been down and out about my knee and not being able to participate.

Congratiulations to Debra (2nd place) and Jana (3rd place) walkers in their age category!!! I'm really proud of Jana because I was worried about her when I had to pull out. She can easily get discouraged and many of you have really helped her get fired up about this whole thing. Thanks to ALL of you for that !! She was actually encouraging (pushing) others in the 5K!

I have enjoyed staying involved and encouraging others. I have started trying to build up cycling so that I can stay on the same training regimen as you guys. That way, maybe I can reach some goals along the way like I planned when I first started the MM program. My original goals were to run a marathon at age 55, lose 55 pounds by Chicago and finish under 5 hr and 50 minutes. So now I am sticking with the 55 pound goal and am trying to determine a cycling goal equivalent to a 5-50 marathon.

Mark and Robin have a great personal development program, built around training for a marathon. I hope they can effectively duplicate this in other areas so they can reach many more people each year. Look how diverse this group is and all the "stuff" that has already been sweated out on the road and in the blogs.

Have a great week - follow the training program (that means Friday is an OFF day, Mandy) - and let's all have a great day Saturday.
