Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Wyoming Update

Great view of the Tetons on the way to Jackson, Wy.

Any travel log of Yellowstone would be amiss without a picture of the great "Old Faithful". It 'went off' shortly after we arrived at the Old Faithful Lodge and were waiting for dinner. Taken about 8:30 pm !

Getting "close up and personal" with a bison (buffalo) in the park. We saw elk, mule deer, a grizzly, Osprey, wild flowers, fantastic waterfalls and beautiful valleys.

This is 'my' painting crew that painted two bedrooms, a living room and all trim in a single lady's house (church member-center in the picture) in Cody. This was our team's project for Monday.

Monday night we had a Western music jam session in the parking lot of our motel. There were 3 different groups of musicians having a blast jamming - 'The New Pioneers', 'Western Shadows', "Trails and Rails', and 'Bill Barwick'-male western music vocalist of 2005.

Jana has been walking and wogging most days and is planning a wog for in the morning. I will post another blog tomorrow with a few more pics. Work project Tuesday, professional rodeo Tuesday night, white water rafting today. Thursday is a free day and we will do the Bill Cody Historic Center (5 museums), some shopping (thrilled) and start preparing catfish for a huge cooking on Friday. It was 95 degrees today - HOT (even with low humidity). This place is fantastic...... if it just didn't get to -35 degrees in the winter (4-5 months of winter).........

