Friday, November 30, 2007

Jana - Dog Attack

This is quick note to those reading the Blogs to let you know that Jana was knocked down and attacked by three large dogs while running this morning (Mandy, I know it is Friday rest day!).

She is in Hot Springs, AR visiting with her daughter and decided to run this morning while Jill was at work. Three dogs came off a porch barking and despite her slowing to a walk, they attacked her and bit her on the legs. She got up and tried walking away but was attacked a second time before they left her alone. She sustained a bad road burn of her arm and a bad sprain in the fall. Her daughter took her to the ER where she got sewn up on her arm and both legs plus a splint on her arm.

The dogs have been picked up and detained.

When I last talked with her, she had calmed down considerably and was concerned about her torn up running tights and jacket!

She is supposed to be driving home Saturday, but if too sore, I will have to drive over and get her (6 hr one way).

Please put her on your prayer list for physical healing as well as emotional healing.


PS - Mark, you need a DVD explaining how dangerous to your health this running is - stress fractures, IV's during the summer (Phil), hospitalizations in Chicago, bike accidents (Jana,Sheila,Kelvin) and dog attacks! :-)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Chicago Pics

Several have asked for copies of some of the pictures I took in Chicago. I have loaded them into an album on the Kodak Gallery website. The link is below (be careful when you copy it) and you are welcome to order any prints you wish.



Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Marathon Photos

You can go to this Flikr web site and view my set of photos from our Chicago trip.


Saturday, September 8, 2007

Home from traveling/ Meeting today

We returned this week after visiting Jana's daughter & husband (Jamie & Justin) in Kansas City and my recently married daughter and husband (Robin & Ken) in Seattle.

Robin and Ken taking a needed rest in Pioneer Square (Seattle) after Jana walked us all to death shopping (her version of XT)!

We spent a lot of time in the "Public Market" which was celebrating its 100th birthday of local growers selling direct to the public. The selections of flowers and fresh vegetables were upstaged only by the 'aroma' of the fresh fish!!! This market is also the home of the first Starbucks.


First, I want to SHOUT OUT (like my friend above) to ALL YOU MARATHONERS !!!!!

I have been very disappointed I was unable to complete the training, but I have been so proud of ALL of you EVERY week! The training, the injuries, getting the "stuff" out on the blogs - it's all been such a terrific journey. I want to thank Mark and Robin for developing this fantastic program that provides such an indepth makeover for our lives.

For those who have tried to discourage US along the way, I have a special "Troll" picture for them.

This guy lives under a huge bridge in Fremont (an artsy, funky, free-loving district of Seattle). He is made of concrete; and that is an actual Beetle car (concrete-covered) under his left hand.

Jana has been a real trooper in dealing with this tibial stress fracture. It has been much worse than the heel one. We walked in the hotel pool and did the elliptical and treadmill (her) and the bike (me) while we were on the rode. She is trying to build up her endurance so she can compete AND complete the CM. Today we rode 25 miles on our bikes (from our house in Madison to Campfire Circle - the one you guys run around - and back)!

We are all going to have a GREAT TIME in Chicago. The Marathon on Sunday will be the icing on the cake. As Mark said today - you are basically done training. Please stay healthy and just enjoy Marathon Day in the Windy City!


Monday, August 27, 2007

Quote for Chicago:

I get a daily humor/devotional email and today it had a great quote that seems appropriate for that BIG DAY in Chicago (or one of the other marathons, for that matter):

It comes from Hebrews 12:1....

"Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."

Have a Great Day,


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Wyoming Update

Great view of the Tetons on the way to Jackson, Wy.

Any travel log of Yellowstone would be amiss without a picture of the great "Old Faithful". It 'went off' shortly after we arrived at the Old Faithful Lodge and were waiting for dinner. Taken about 8:30 pm !

Getting "close up and personal" with a bison (buffalo) in the park. We saw elk, mule deer, a grizzly, Osprey, wild flowers, fantastic waterfalls and beautiful valleys.

This is 'my' painting crew that painted two bedrooms, a living room and all trim in a single lady's house (church member-center in the picture) in Cody. This was our team's project for Monday.

Monday night we had a Western music jam session in the parking lot of our motel. There were 3 different groups of musicians having a blast jamming - 'The New Pioneers', 'Western Shadows', "Trails and Rails', and 'Bill Barwick'-male western music vocalist of 2005.

Jana has been walking and wogging most days and is planning a wog for in the morning. I will post another blog tomorrow with a few more pics. Work project Tuesday, professional rodeo Tuesday night, white water rafting today. Thursday is a free day and we will do the Bill Cody Historic Center (5 museums), some shopping (thrilled) and start preparing catfish for a huge cooking on Friday. It was 95 degrees today - HOT (even with low humidity). This place is fantastic...... if it just didn't get to -35 degrees in the winter (4-5 months of winter).........

