Friday, November 30, 2007

Jana - Dog Attack

This is quick note to those reading the Blogs to let you know that Jana was knocked down and attacked by three large dogs while running this morning (Mandy, I know it is Friday rest day!).

She is in Hot Springs, AR visiting with her daughter and decided to run this morning while Jill was at work. Three dogs came off a porch barking and despite her slowing to a walk, they attacked her and bit her on the legs. She got up and tried walking away but was attacked a second time before they left her alone. She sustained a bad road burn of her arm and a bad sprain in the fall. Her daughter took her to the ER where she got sewn up on her arm and both legs plus a splint on her arm.

The dogs have been picked up and detained.

When I last talked with her, she had calmed down considerably and was concerned about her torn up running tights and jacket!

She is supposed to be driving home Saturday, but if too sore, I will have to drive over and get her (6 hr one way).

Please put her on your prayer list for physical healing as well as emotional healing.


PS - Mark, you need a DVD explaining how dangerous to your health this running is - stress fractures, IV's during the summer (Phil), hospitalizations in Chicago, bike accidents (Jana,Sheila,Kelvin) and dog attacks! :-)


The Miller's Blog said...

I didn't want to make light of the situation, but could Jana possibly have a big black cloud over her head when it comes to running?! That girl has got some kind of determination! WOW!!!!! We will be thinking of her and praying for her!!!!!!! And isn't it so typical of a woman to be more ticked off about her clothes than herself? It's hard being a female....

VICKIE said...


LegalSec said...

I'm so sorry Jana is having a hard time. Now I know why she wasn't there this morning! Pleaes let me know if there is something I can to to help you get through the healing process. If you need any thing, please don't hesitate to call. I'm almost always available. Take care!

LegalSec said...

I'm so sorry Jana is having a hard time. Now I know why she wasn't there this morning! Pleaes let me know if there is something I can to to help you get through the healing process. If you need any thing, please don't hesitate to call. I'm almost always available. Take care!

lisathehornplayingturtle said...

Wow, I'm so sorry this happened to Jana. I think I'll be carrying my mace when I'm running by myself from now on. I'll be praying for both of you. She's a tough woman and will bounce back.

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Believe in Miracles ~ Lisa B Davis said...

Oh! I am sooo sorry! Give us and update. Is Jana doing ok now? I have you both in my prayers. Hope she is healing nicely now!

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