Wednesday, March 21, 2007

On The Bench !!!

Went for my post op follow-up yesterday and learned the results of the surgery:

1) Lateral meniscus (a washer-like cushion in the knee) is now missing the front half (old injury that he had no choice but to trim out).
2) The cartilage on my femur (upper leg) that rotates in this meniscus was worn to the bone from the old injury and was drilled out to try to encourage repair and regrowth of the cartilage.
3) Running is now off my list of choices - permanently.
4) Distance walking is gone also. So my option of walking the Chicago Marathon with Jana is history.
5) He said he doubted my knee would hold up to all the training and the 26.2 miles, and I would definitely cause lifelong damage to my knee. I really can't let a short term goal cause me to have permanent knee problems 15- 20 years from now. I want to be remain active for many years to come! (My father is more active at 80 than most men in their 60's).

Needless to say, we are both pretty depressed about this whole turn of events. Jana got me into this and we were really enjoying doing this together! So, I now gotta find her a new training partner.

I am still a Marathoner, just in Spirit now and not in training, and still going to Chicago! I will come to the Saturday events and do whatever I can to assist Mark, Robin, and Matt. I guess I move from player to "trainer" & help the whole team succeed!

Thanks for everyone's concern and encouragement.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Injured Reserve...

I sure hate sitting on the sidelines. :-(

My MRI showed the torn medial meniscus and possibly a torn lateral one also. Anyway, the surgery is scheduled for Thursday afternoon. Don't look forward to that; even though I've spend my whole adult life in surgery, anesthetizing patients, it's never fun to be on the 'other side'.

I plan to attend the meeting Saturday - wouldn't miss it for anything. The Makeover concept is so good. Most of us need the accountability to 'stay the course' and that's exactly what Mark and Robin and Matt have provided - the accountability to the group; to train on a regular schedule and to look forward to interacting with the group on Saturdays.

I miss the trainings and XT days, and will try to get back into it as soon as my ole knee will let me walk, then run. I plan to do XT on as many days as I can to keep my endurance level elevated and not let it drop.

Thanks to all for the encouragement!


I AM a Marathoner!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Saturday Run

The Saturday training was very good. Randy really delivered helpful information. We are getting our Runner ID's ASAP! In the past Jana has made fun of me because I always put my driver's license in a pocket when I go to run or bike. I felt like if some deviant driver took me out, at least the EMT's would know who I was! The Runner ID is a great idea.

I ran with Jana Saturday (actually it was wogging - I just don't like the sound of "wog"). We did 2 minute intervals (except she had to have one extra 2 min. walk). We averaged 12:35/mile for the 2.7 miles. Not bad for beginners early in the training.

It did aggrevate my knee injury, though, and I have had much more swelling and soreness today, despite icing this afternoon. I decided to skip the XT today. If my MRI report Monday supports a torn meniscus, I will try to get the scope done Thursday afternoon. With Friday to recover, I will be at the training Saturday.

Thanks to all of you who have been supportive and encouraging about this dumb ole knee injury. I'm just thankful it was now and not in July or August, which would have kept me from making the Starting Line.

I AM a Marathoner!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Results Monday...

I wil ahve to wait until MOnday to get my MRI results. So, for tomorrow, I will have to be content to be Jana's cheerleader for the Saturday walk/run.

That means I will have to program her watch for Intervals, as she is far from Tech-savy!

See everyone tomorrow.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Awaiting verdict !

I had my MRI knee scan late today at the MS Sports Med. Clinic. Will call and try to get the results in the am, otherwise I won't get official results until Monday. It is really strange, because my knee hurts VERY LITTLE, but still has the fluid on it.

I'm not sure if I will be able to walk (even slowly) on Saturday - will do what the doc says - despite what my wife thinks, I CAN follow directions! :-) Either way I wil make the training and be a cheerleader if not walking.

If I need arthroscopy, I am gong to try and get it done ASAP, so I can work my way back into training, because....

I AM a Chicago Marathoner!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Knee Injury

Well the knee pain I have been feeling off and on, and especially the "tightness" I have felt inside my knee since Saturday are now defined. Torn Medial meniscus (most likely). MRI Thursday to definitively diagnosis it. I have a significant effusion (fluid in my knee joint) and pain at the medial meniscus area, which didn't hurt until the surgeon pushed on it! I have no knowledge of an injury, but he said it could have been an old injury, worsened with all the new running.

Dr. Shelton said if it is torn, I can get a quick scope, get it "buffed up", get back in training and still be on track for Chicago! What the optimist. Well, that's my plan if I have to have it done.

What's so bad is that my knee doesn't really hurt - it just feels real tight in the inside. I took ibuprofen and iced it after our walk/runs on Monday and Tuesday (3.75mi. and 2.5mi.), but the effusion is definitely a clue somethin' ain't right!

I've been down most of today, cause we were really getting into this 6 days-a-week training and I had already lost 7 pounds (sorry girls). :-) This is a pretty serious setback. BUT, I am trying to get any surgery scheduled ASAP, so I can quickly catch up - before you guys get into really long runs.