Sunday, March 11, 2007

Saturday Run

The Saturday training was very good. Randy really delivered helpful information. We are getting our Runner ID's ASAP! In the past Jana has made fun of me because I always put my driver's license in a pocket when I go to run or bike. I felt like if some deviant driver took me out, at least the EMT's would know who I was! The Runner ID is a great idea.

I ran with Jana Saturday (actually it was wogging - I just don't like the sound of "wog"). We did 2 minute intervals (except she had to have one extra 2 min. walk). We averaged 12:35/mile for the 2.7 miles. Not bad for beginners early in the training.

It did aggrevate my knee injury, though, and I have had much more swelling and soreness today, despite icing this afternoon. I decided to skip the XT today. If my MRI report Monday supports a torn meniscus, I will try to get the scope done Thursday afternoon. With Friday to recover, I will be at the training Saturday.

Thanks to all of you who have been supportive and encouraging about this dumb ole knee injury. I'm just thankful it was now and not in July or August, which would have kept me from making the Starting Line.

I AM a Marathoner!

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