Sunday, April 15, 2007

Finally, A Blog...

I haven't blogged in a while, I guess because I'm been down and out about my knee and not being able to participate.

Congratiulations to Debra (2nd place) and Jana (3rd place) walkers in their age category!!! I'm really proud of Jana because I was worried about her when I had to pull out. She can easily get discouraged and many of you have really helped her get fired up about this whole thing. Thanks to ALL of you for that !! She was actually encouraging (pushing) others in the 5K!

I have enjoyed staying involved and encouraging others. I have started trying to build up cycling so that I can stay on the same training regimen as you guys. That way, maybe I can reach some goals along the way like I planned when I first started the MM program. My original goals were to run a marathon at age 55, lose 55 pounds by Chicago and finish under 5 hr and 50 minutes. So now I am sticking with the 55 pound goal and am trying to determine a cycling goal equivalent to a 5-50 marathon.

Mark and Robin have a great personal development program, built around training for a marathon. I hope they can effectively duplicate this in other areas so they can reach many more people each year. Look how diverse this group is and all the "stuff" that has already been sweated out on the road and in the blogs.

Have a great week - follow the training program (that means Friday is an OFF day, Mandy) - and let's all have a great day Saturday.



Christa said...

Clark, I hate it so much that you don't get to wog with us. But I hope you know how much of a pivotal part of this group you are. The fact that you show up for everything and that you are our best cheerleader is so comforting to us, really! In fact, the only thing you are missing out on is the yucky, painful running part. You are just as much a part of the MM group as any of us, and in fact, maybe more because you have been sidelined from the exercise but yet you CHOOSE to continue to participate in all the activities. Any of the others of us would have said, "Forget it"! You know, Robin just bought a bike and will be out there on the trail with us this Saturday. You should bring your bike and ride with her. That would be FUN!!!! You and Jana are so awesome and I am so glad to have met you both. I can't imagine doing this thing without the BOTH OF YOU! See you Saturday!

Kristy Jones said...

Don't forget to congratulate Cheryl Jones! She placed too! And by the way, how do you stretch your shins? I still haven't figured that one out yet!!

Chicago_or_Bust said...


Thanks for your kind remarks. I had talekd with Robin and Mark a couple of weeks ago about bringing my bike to the longer runs and checking the route, the water breaks, etc. If we aren't leaving for New Orleans right after the run Sat., I will bring my bike.


I didn't know about Cheryl before I posted my blog. I am so proud of all the ones who won medallions as well as the participants who finished the cold race without recognition.


lisathehornplayingturtle said...

Did your daughter, Robin go to Jackson Academy? If she is the same Robin Ethridge, then I was her horn teacher a long time ago. Tell her Lisa Davis says hello. I'd love to see her if she is ever in town. Boy, would that make me feel old!

The Miller's Blog said...

Clark, you are so sweet you make me want to cry! I cannot tell you how awesome I think it is that you are still a HUGE part of this group. You are such a great husband to Jana, and you are a great encourager to the rest of us. You are one of my BIGGEST motivaters! Thank you for all you do!