Tuesday, June 19, 2007

MM Weatherman

Tony Mastro here..... Predicted morning temps for Saturday ----- 65 degrees !!! WooHoo !!

That should make the halfer a whole lot better than the 12 miler 2 weeks ago.

Jana and I rode our bikes this evening (6 pm) and it was 75 degrees - felt MUCH better. We rode about 12.5 miles on Hoghland Colony Parkway from Madison to the round about, but also explored the roads of Cypress Lake sbdvn and the new Township construction. Called in and picked up a veggie lovers pizza on the way home.

Nice outing.

Gotta get to bed. I was on call Monday and only got about 3 1/2 hrs of sleep - I'm getting tooooo old for so little sleep!



cjonesrun said...

Thanks for that report, Tony! I am glad Jana is sticking with an exercise program to maintain her stamina. I have my bike in the shop getting serviced. Need to start biking since I read that is one of the best XT's because it develops the quads and helps balance out the leg since running develops the hamstrings...or something like that. See ya Fri. at MG.

The Miller's Blog said...

Too bad I don't trust meteorologists.... Don't quit your day job, Clark! LOL.

cjonesrun said...

Clark, please give me your secret to cooking that scrumptious pulled pork. That was so tasty, not dry. That was my favorite food last night...I did not eat all I wanted because, well just because. My e-mail address is jones3919@bellsouth.net if you are so inclined to share your cooking secrets! Cheryl

Micah said...

I am envious of your bike rides together! I can only get my husband to ride 3-5 around our neighborhood. Glad to see you on Saturday and look forward to the 8 miles with you. I told Jana I would trade positions with her around the 12 mile area (I think?).