Monday, August 27, 2007

Quote for Chicago:

I get a daily humor/devotional email and today it had a great quote that seems appropriate for that BIG DAY in Chicago (or one of the other marathons, for that matter):

It comes from Hebrews 12:1....

"Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."

Have a Great Day,



Christa said...

WOW! How timely and appropriate! Thanks for sharing! We miss you!

Ann and Bob said...


that is my verse I have hung on to from the beginning, I actually have it on my RoadID. I posted on my blog on Feb 28... it is a great verse.

Ann McElroy

cjonesrun said...

Clark, that is a great one to memorize for the big day! Thanks.


The Miller's Blog said...

That is great! Thanks for sharing.

We've missed you and Jana. I won't be there for the 10 miles this Saturday. We're going on a little mini-vacation Friday through Tuesday to Destin. We're picking my brother up in Pensacola and he's going to be with us the whole weekend!!!! I'm going to make him do the 10 miler with me Saturday.

Tell Jana hi!

catseye said...

Thanks for the inspiration.

Charlie and I are the proud owners of a BGE. We'll leave it here in Colorado.

The cookoff was fun and food was good, but none compared to yours and Mark's. I did sample a very tasty breakfast casserole, though.