Saturday, September 8, 2007

Home from traveling/ Meeting today

We returned this week after visiting Jana's daughter & husband (Jamie & Justin) in Kansas City and my recently married daughter and husband (Robin & Ken) in Seattle.

Robin and Ken taking a needed rest in Pioneer Square (Seattle) after Jana walked us all to death shopping (her version of XT)!

We spent a lot of time in the "Public Market" which was celebrating its 100th birthday of local growers selling direct to the public. The selections of flowers and fresh vegetables were upstaged only by the 'aroma' of the fresh fish!!! This market is also the home of the first Starbucks.


First, I want to SHOUT OUT (like my friend above) to ALL YOU MARATHONERS !!!!!

I have been very disappointed I was unable to complete the training, but I have been so proud of ALL of you EVERY week! The training, the injuries, getting the "stuff" out on the blogs - it's all been such a terrific journey. I want to thank Mark and Robin for developing this fantastic program that provides such an indepth makeover for our lives.

For those who have tried to discourage US along the way, I have a special "Troll" picture for them.

This guy lives under a huge bridge in Fremont (an artsy, funky, free-loving district of Seattle). He is made of concrete; and that is an actual Beetle car (concrete-covered) under his left hand.

Jana has been a real trooper in dealing with this tibial stress fracture. It has been much worse than the heel one. We walked in the hotel pool and did the elliptical and treadmill (her) and the bike (me) while we were on the rode. She is trying to build up her endurance so she can compete AND complete the CM. Today we rode 25 miles on our bikes (from our house in Madison to Campfire Circle - the one you guys run around - and back)!

We are all going to have a GREAT TIME in Chicago. The Marathon on Sunday will be the icing on the cake. As Mark said today - you are basically done training. Please stay healthy and just enjoy Marathon Day in the Windy City!



cjonesrun said...

Loved the pictures (esp. the TROLL)and loved your comments. We share your disappointment that you cannot do the CM HOWEVER, we are thrilled you will be there with us (AND JANA--so glad she is going to be able to do this!). Hopefully, you have had some kind of "makeover" while hanging in there with us every week.


The Miller's Blog said...

Great pictures!!! Glad you and Jana had a great time. I am so glad that Jana is still working towards the goal of finishing the marathon!!! Sorry about her accident yesterday. Poor Jana.

Thanks for all YOU do with the group. You have been such an incredible encourager and you and Jana are 2 of the sweetest people I have ever met!

Debra said...

Hey Clark:
Great photos! No matter how many times I see the Space Needle, I'm always fascinated by the look of it against the city skyline. I expect to see the Jetsons flying in for a landing to their apartment!

Glad to have ya'll back in town.


catseye said...

You're a real trooper, too, hanging in there with us, encouraging us all the way. Thanks!

Carol said...

I love the troll and the pictures from the market! Glad you had a nice visit and vacation. Hope to see you soon.

Christa said...

Clark, I hate that you were forced onto the curb crew but I can't imagine not having you at least there. You are pivotal to this process and you don't know how much it means to hear your voice just when we need it. Jana is a machine and I can't belive how much she's been through. That girl is tough as nails!!! I just love you and Jana SOOOOO much!