Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Injured Reserve...

I sure hate sitting on the sidelines. :-(

My MRI showed the torn medial meniscus and possibly a torn lateral one also. Anyway, the surgery is scheduled for Thursday afternoon. Don't look forward to that; even though I've spend my whole adult life in surgery, anesthetizing patients, it's never fun to be on the 'other side'.

I plan to attend the meeting Saturday - wouldn't miss it for anything. The Makeover concept is so good. Most of us need the accountability to 'stay the course' and that's exactly what Mark and Robin and Matt have provided - the accountability to the group; to train on a regular schedule and to look forward to interacting with the group on Saturdays.

I miss the trainings and XT days, and will try to get back into it as soon as my ole knee will let me walk, then run. I plan to do XT on as many days as I can to keep my endurance level elevated and not let it drop.

Thanks to all for the encouragement!


I AM a Marathoner!


VICKIE said...

i was just checking on here to see if you had heard from your mri,, oh man hate that far you, hopefully you wont be out to long, ,we will all be pulling for you
take care

Christa said...

Oh Clark, I hate that for you!!! I am so sorry to hear this. But hopefully they can fix you right up and you can once again be on your way. I had to take 2 weeks off for tendonitis so I can kind of relate, but it still sucks. Don't let it get you down. I'll be thinking about you and really do hope you come to the mtg on Sat. Get well soon!