Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Knee Injury

Well the knee pain I have been feeling off and on, and especially the "tightness" I have felt inside my knee since Saturday are now defined. Torn Medial meniscus (most likely). MRI Thursday to definitively diagnosis it. I have a significant effusion (fluid in my knee joint) and pain at the medial meniscus area, which didn't hurt until the surgeon pushed on it! I have no knowledge of an injury, but he said it could have been an old injury, worsened with all the new running.

Dr. Shelton said if it is torn, I can get a quick scope, get it "buffed up", get back in training and still be on track for Chicago! What the optimist. Well, that's my plan if I have to have it done.

What's so bad is that my knee doesn't really hurt - it just feels real tight in the inside. I took ibuprofen and iced it after our walk/runs on Monday and Tuesday (3.75mi. and 2.5mi.), but the effusion is definitely a clue somethin' ain't right!

I've been down most of today, cause we were really getting into this 6 days-a-week training and I had already lost 7 pounds (sorry girls). :-) This is a pretty serious setback. BUT, I am trying to get any surgery scheduled ASAP, so I can quickly catch up - before you guys get into really long runs.



Mark Simpson said...

Wow! I am sorry to hear that but I also know there is plenty of time to get it done and be prepared for Chicago if it is a minor op. Keep me posted and way to go losing tat weight. That will help the knee, too.

Christa said...

I am so sorry to hear that!! We'll all be rooting for a quick recovery for you! Keep blogging!