Wednesday, March 21, 2007

On The Bench !!!

Went for my post op follow-up yesterday and learned the results of the surgery:

1) Lateral meniscus (a washer-like cushion in the knee) is now missing the front half (old injury that he had no choice but to trim out).
2) The cartilage on my femur (upper leg) that rotates in this meniscus was worn to the bone from the old injury and was drilled out to try to encourage repair and regrowth of the cartilage.
3) Running is now off my list of choices - permanently.
4) Distance walking is gone also. So my option of walking the Chicago Marathon with Jana is history.
5) He said he doubted my knee would hold up to all the training and the 26.2 miles, and I would definitely cause lifelong damage to my knee. I really can't let a short term goal cause me to have permanent knee problems 15- 20 years from now. I want to be remain active for many years to come! (My father is more active at 80 than most men in their 60's).

Needless to say, we are both pretty depressed about this whole turn of events. Jana got me into this and we were really enjoying doing this together! So, I now gotta find her a new training partner.

I am still a Marathoner, just in Spirit now and not in training, and still going to Chicago! I will come to the Saturday events and do whatever I can to assist Mark, Robin, and Matt. I guess I move from player to "trainer" & help the whole team succeed!

Thanks for everyone's concern and encouragement.



LegalSec said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your disappointment. I saw you Saturday but didn't get a chance to speak to you. Just take care of that knee and we all thank you for cheering us on. Maybe I can work with Jana. Do you guys live in the Madison/Ridgeland area? If so, look for me on Saturday. See you then.

Christa said...

Clark, I just want to cry or throw up or both. I am sick about this. I am really, truly sorry! I know you and Jana are both very disappointed; it just sucks and I hate it for you both! I hate to push the issue, but do you think the docs would let you train for and walk 1/2 of the marathon? It may be too early to even think about that right now. I just hate the idea of you not being able to participate. You're right though to look at the long-term consequences. I'm glad to hear though that you plan on still being a part of the group. You are a marathoner! You may be THE BEST marathoner. Some of us don't even know yet if we really want to/can do this. You however do and that makes you supreme! Your attitude and commitment is reamarkable. Hang in there! I'll talk to you on Saturday.


VICKIE said...

so sorry to hear about this, i know your and jana are disappoined, i sure wouldnt do anything to mess the knee up, just do exactly with the docs tell you,ill be here and can walk with jana on sat's im in mendenhall so cant be there during the week, i think you should make the team doc,
keep up the good work and keep your chin up,
see ya sat!

The Miller's Blog said...

I really hate to hear that! You know, I worked for a dentist who had knee surgery about a year and a half ago (although I don't think his was quite as serious) and he had problems for a while after, and limped when he walked, but he was able to eventually get back into running. As a matter of fact, he and some dentist buddies are doing mm. His name is Rusty Riley. You might know him. Anyway, I hope that's a little encouraging.... It took him a while, but maybe one day.......Even if you never run long distance surely walking long distance won't be out of the question. Permanently. Keep yourself in good spirit and continue encouraging Jana!!!

Kayra said...

I hate to hear you won't be able to do the marathon. BUT I'm glad you'll be around for our training and the marathon. We definitely need you cheering us on, I'm glad you are still going to be a part of this.