Saturday, May 26, 2007

Saturday Run...

Well, all I've got to say is that riding up and down the trails and observing everybody was really impressive! Ya'll are all looking so good. Everyone seemed to be running their own race, hydrating, and actually completing 10 MILES !! Woohoo !

Forget about those ole 'Team in Training' guys - they only ran 4 miles today, NOT 10 !

I rode the whole course twice (20.68 miles-yes it was 10.34 miles according to Jana's Garmin GPS). That is the longest time and distance I have ever ridden on a bike. I had to peel off the bike seat at Fleet Feet ! No injuries I heard of, except a few blisters. Make sure you have the proper running sox (not cotton ones) AND if you bought new ones back when we started this adventure, it's probably time for some new ones - those old ones have likely lost their protective properties.

We will be out of town next week and Saturday. My middle daughter (the 'superachiever' of my 3 kids) is getting married in Boulder, CO on Saturday. This will be my first child to get married - already had 2 stepdaughters to get married). Not all of my brothers and sisters are making the trip :-( , but we are going to have a wonderful, midmorning, garden wedding (75 degrees), a brunch and party to follow. Jana will likely post pix on her blog. She will look outstanding in her new dress, though she's worried about hobbling around ,since her ankle and knees are aching so bad today.

I plan to rent a bike and ride while Jana trains and puts in her 11 miles next Saturday. While you guys are complaining about hills, think about trying to breathe at 6000+ elevation! There are just so many oxygen molecules in the whole city of Boulder and our lungs will be screaming to possess every single one!

We will have our laptops and will keep up while gone.

See you guys at the rez for 12 miles on the 9th! Have a great Memorial Day and stop to remember our soldiers, past and present.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Friday Night - "Carb loading"

Check the Forum - several of us are gathering Friday night at Macaroni Grill (off County Line) and are using "Pre-run carb loading" as the "excuse". We need a pretty close head count, so post on the Forum or here and we will include you at the table (s). Trying for 5:30 ish - to get ahead of the Friday night crowd.

(Have ya'll noticed how many people eat out on Friday nights? As a life-long Jacksonian, I am amazed. It used to be fairly easy to get a table at a nice restaurant, now you have to go real early - with the 'blue-haired seniors' - to have a chance at eating at a reasonable time!) I digress......

Biked several days this week and I am really noticing that I'm getting stronger at it. Yesterday Jana and I biked the RIdgeland trail (where ya'll run Saturday), up to hiway 51, down Harbor Rd (closed), to the Breakers and then to the Cock of the Walk - about 8 miles. I've got to get Jana to quit 'lolly-gagging' along, though, like a Sunday afternoon stroll! Today, while she ran with the Lakeshore Thursday group, I rode up to Fox Bay (our last Sat. route), around the Fox Bay neighborhood and back to the park - in about an hour - the time they took to run/walk for 5 miles. It was a great afternoon and had a great workout, as did the others.

See everybody Saturday.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Saturday WX Forecast!


Get this --- predicted low for Saturday is in the 48-51 degree range! No kidding ! Isn't that going to be a fantastic break from the past week or so?

It was so nice and cool this evening. I really wanted to bike, but had to make a late Mother's Day visit to my Stepmom and Dad. Had a great visit with them, but really wanted to ride.......

I am planning (if I don't get stuck at work) to bike at the rez tomorrow afternoon with my pastor, also an avid rider. We might even see some of the MM crowd if they do their Thursday afternoon run. Yell at me, if I ride past you!

Keep on, you great Marathoners!!!!!


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Saturday's Long Run....

Well it sounds like everyone had a great run on Saturday, despite the heat! I'm glad there were no reports of injuries in my absence. I hope that's a sign of future injury-free runs!

Jana understated the "hills" in her blog. I don't think there was any part more that a quarter mile that didn't have some kind of grade to it. We found a dirt road that took us around the back of the lake, across a rickety bridge and up an eroded incline that went on forever! She actually did a 2min run interval AND a 2 min walk interval all on that one incline. I had to put the bike in the lowest gear to keep moving up the grade - and she actually started to pass me on her jog. But, being the Alpha male, I couldn't let that happen, so I grunted up some energy and got back ahead - how male!!

I think we will all enjoy the flat terrain this Saturday at the Rez.

Hydration is the key as it gets hotter and more humid. The joint aches, headaches and exhaustion are all signs of different degrees of dehydration. It is important to keep hydrated all week, not just on Saturday. For those who have high blood pressure and/or may take a diuretic (fluid pill), it's even more important to keep your water intake high!

I will have my cell number on the sign-up sheet Saturday, so those who run with cell phones can give me a call if they encounter someone with a problem on the run.


Tuesday, May 1, 2007

New Week.

I am trying to get into some kind of 'groove' with this cycling thing. Jana and I parked on our lot and then rode around Lake Caroline Sunday afternoon. We rode for about 2 hours, but walked through 2 open houses and visited with a Conservation Officer friend, so I figure we actually rode about 1 1/2 hours. The weather was great and the Lake really looked inviting - I guess some future XT will be cleaning up and servicing the pontoon boat for this season - yuck! Jana commented that Sunday would have been a great evening for what we call a "booze cruise" - leisurely riding around the shoreline on the pontoon, sipping on wine and watching the sunset - always a relaxing, pleasant time.

Monday I worked til dark and do NOT ride the bike after dark - just too dangerous, so this afternoon while Jana ran at the Strawberry park (her best time yet!), I rode pretty hard for 8 miles in 40 minutes. I actually rode up to the park (took my chances on St. Augustine Street), and walked one of her intervals with her, sharing my water. Then rode home and started supper - cut up 2 kinds of bell peppers, onion, mushrooms, garlic and olive oil, seasoned some salmon, then cooked the veggies and the salmon on the grill. Served both over whole wheat angel hair pasta with a little parmesian cheese. Now that was a super supper! [You know, I just spoil her, don't I? :-))) ] OK girls, trying for points here! Ha!

If any of ya'll are looking for a Father's Day gift - I got my Big Green Egg grill last year on Father's Day (Madison Fireplace and Patio had a special last year). I will never use another type grill, ever! It is by far the best - grill, barbecue, smoke, slow cook, you name it. Makes the best steaks (oops, I don't think steaks are a super food - forget I said that).

Keep on - Marathoners!
