Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Saturday's Long Run....

Well it sounds like everyone had a great run on Saturday, despite the heat! I'm glad there were no reports of injuries in my absence. I hope that's a sign of future injury-free runs!

Jana understated the "hills" in her blog. I don't think there was any part more that a quarter mile that didn't have some kind of grade to it. We found a dirt road that took us around the back of the lake, across a rickety bridge and up an eroded incline that went on forever! She actually did a 2min run interval AND a 2 min walk interval all on that one incline. I had to put the bike in the lowest gear to keep moving up the grade - and she actually started to pass me on her jog. But, being the Alpha male, I couldn't let that happen, so I grunted up some energy and got back ahead - how male!!

I think we will all enjoy the flat terrain this Saturday at the Rez.

Hydration is the key as it gets hotter and more humid. The joint aches, headaches and exhaustion are all signs of different degrees of dehydration. It is important to keep hydrated all week, not just on Saturday. For those who have high blood pressure and/or may take a diuretic (fluid pill), it's even more important to keep your water intake high!

I will have my cell number on the sign-up sheet Saturday, so those who run with cell phones can give me a call if they encounter someone with a problem on the run.


1 comment:

Matt Broome said...

Thanks for being our honorary doctor on site! It definitely makes us ALL feel safer out there knowing help is nearby if we need it! And thanks for the reminder about hydration. It is VERY important especially as the miles continue to increase. Glad you enjoy my blog. I'll try to keep you and Jana entertained.