Thursday, May 24, 2007

Friday Night - "Carb loading"

Check the Forum - several of us are gathering Friday night at Macaroni Grill (off County Line) and are using "Pre-run carb loading" as the "excuse". We need a pretty close head count, so post on the Forum or here and we will include you at the table (s). Trying for 5:30 ish - to get ahead of the Friday night crowd.

(Have ya'll noticed how many people eat out on Friday nights? As a life-long Jacksonian, I am amazed. It used to be fairly easy to get a table at a nice restaurant, now you have to go real early - with the 'blue-haired seniors' - to have a chance at eating at a reasonable time!) I digress......

Biked several days this week and I am really noticing that I'm getting stronger at it. Yesterday Jana and I biked the RIdgeland trail (where ya'll run Saturday), up to hiway 51, down Harbor Rd (closed), to the Breakers and then to the Cock of the Walk - about 8 miles. I've got to get Jana to quit 'lolly-gagging' along, though, like a Sunday afternoon stroll! Today, while she ran with the Lakeshore Thursday group, I rode up to Fox Bay (our last Sat. route), around the Fox Bay neighborhood and back to the park - in about an hour - the time they took to run/walk for 5 miles. It was a great afternoon and had a great workout, as did the others.

See everybody Saturday.


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