Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Well our weekend in Birmingham went well. We actually got up at 5:30 am and used the treadmills Saturday at the hotel fitness center to put in 2 miles. These treadmills produced inclines with the INterval settings, so we got some hills like you guys did on Saturday, but I don't think we got the full impact of the notorious "last hill" on all the posts!

We got home Sunday about 6 pm, went to Strawberry patch park in Madison and walked (no jogging) for 30 minutes (2 laps) for our XT.

Monday was the big day - back to 45 minutes on the run. I got home late so went to Strawberry patch again (about 7:30 pm) and was amazed at how many people were on the track! Some may have been MM'ers, but hard to tell at night. I did 2 min. intervals after warming up and stretching. I ran/walked for 47 minutes, stopping at the 3.5 mile marker. My average lap time was 13:04. Clearly the fastest time I have had since I quit running about 20 years ago! The best part was that the pains in my shins (and especially my right knee) failed to materialize. Maybe I am finally working through some of these 'older age / out of shape' aches and pains.

A good friend in North Carolina, who ran marathons in his younger years emailed me that he always walked for several minutes to warm up his muscles BEFORE stretching. After stretching, he then started his long runs. I tried that last night, walking for about 3 minutes, stretched, then started my run - it definitely seems to work better that way. I takes a little extra time, but prevention of injury is paramount in my mind as we train for the CM.

Only 32 weeks to go!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Ending of 4th Week....

This has been a good week, staying on schedule UNTIL today :-(

I went in early, busted it with a long schedule to try to get done in a reasonable time to get in my 45 minutes before dark. Well, someone dropped the ball and caused a long delay before my last case and it threw everything off, especially my attitude. I didn't have the mental energy to overcome the aches and pains and push myself to a workout. Jana was already making supper, so I decided to consider today as my OFF day and put in my 45 minutes on Friday. That should work since our Saturday runs are not getting very long -----YET ! We will definitely need the OFF day on Friday when those Sat. runs get much longer.

We will be in Birmingham for a meeting on Saturday, so we will put in our 2 miles at the hotel fitness center - no way I am even going to consider ANY of those hills in Birmingham! We will miss the meeting and comraderie of the group.


Friday, February 16, 2007

End of Week 3

Well, Week 3 is just about over and Sunday will be the start of Week 4. I've probably lost close to 5 pounds (didn't weigh today) and my clothes are clearly fitting more loosely. Whoohoo! My seconday goal for this MM07 is to lose 50 pounds.

All the soreness I had Monday, worked itself out (with the help of stretching and a good dose of ibuprofen) and by the time I hit the treadmill at the Bapt. Fitness Ctr. Tuesday afternoon, I was feeling pretty good. I did almost 3 miles during the 30 minute run - the time sure goes fast when I plug in and watch one of the TV's!

Wednesday, Jana and I ended up at the Fitness Ctr. about the same time, did our 30 min. of XT, then beat the main crowd to Little Tokyo for some Valentine's Day sushi !

Thursday was pretty cold again, so the treadmill had to endure me again - for 40 min. I am doing a 3 min. run at 5 mph and a 2 min. walk at 3.5 mph. At about 25 minutes yesterday, I increased one interval to a 5 min. run. Anyway, I wasn't too sore afterwards, but I am glad to have a day off today!

I will be On Call Saturday, so whether I make the training or the run or both depends on surgical emergencies or moms in labor on Saturday. Since the training will be at the Fitness Center this time, and I will be covering Baptist on call, I might be able to make both.

Anyway, thanks to Mark and Matt for recording the trainings - really helps for those of us who have to miss a session !!!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Oh! Sooooo Sore !

Yesterday I had anticipated such a good birthday. Then came work and a normally 4-5 hour heart surgery case (anesthesiologist here), became a 10 hour mentally and physically draining procedure. Got the patient to ICU stable, but boy were the surgeon and I drained! My original plan was to be through by noonish, head home and do my 40 minute run, then go out for an early sushi dinner with my wonderful wife. She would then go to her art class from 6-9pm and we would watch the 2 hour TIVO'd '24' when she got home - perfect plan for a birthday! Well, forget that!

I got home after she had left for class and had already eaten a nice dinner she cooked. I quickly changed and made my run in the dark (real fun on Madison streets in the dark). I speeded up, running 2 min. and walking 1 min., finishing the 3 miles in 40' 30". (That was the fastest I've runned in 20 years). Heated up and enjoyed the dinner. By the time she got home, we were both too tired to do the '24' thing - save it for tomorrow (Jack Bauer will have to wait a little longer to save the world).

Today I feel it! Whoa! Could hardly move this morning. Especially my lower back. Stretched it different ways. Then I see Mark's email that he has a new podcast dealing with "Soreness after exercise". What great timing - Mark, as they say - "You are da bomb!"

Well, enough whining! I told Jana this morning, who is feeling the same soreness, - this is a resistance wall we have to break through MENTALLY and keep pushing - persistence - and we will get through it.

30 minutes at the Fitness Center this afternoon - track or treadmill? So many decisions.........

Monday, February 12, 2007

Hangin' In There...

I've been doing "my time", just haven't been blogging. I will have to work this into my schedule - somewhere.

Guys, we've all gone from different levels of non-exercise to 200+ minutes a week of workout. WAY TO GO !!!!

The training Saturday was really good - stretching is soooo important, yet so 'skipped over'. I think grouping us by age was amazing - so many people in the 41-46/47 category - not sure what that says, but you guys were on the opposite side of the gym from me who was closer to the END of the line (50+). Actually I turned 55 today, so Chicago will be my double-nickel goal. No cake or ice cream for me - strickly nutritious eating.

I enjoyed the walk/run in Clinton, except for maybe the HILLS. Jana (my wife who got me in to this crazy thing) and I ran together and met our pre-run goal of 22 minutes. We are slowly increasing our walk/run times to get our average time better.
I hope we can get that down to 13-14 min. per mile and finish between 5 & 6 hours. But that will be a big challenge!

40 minutes this afternoon - hope the rain holds off.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Starting the second week...

To Baptist fitness center today and whipped out 30 minutes on the recumbent bike. Felt good!

I was planning to get up EARLY Monday morning and put in 40 minutes of walk/run combo, but the 27-28 degree forecast is a little too cold, even with some of this new "tech" clothing bought Saturday at Fleet feet!

I will have to make time later in the day to do it. One mile from my house to Strawberry Park in Madison, one mile in the Park and one mile return. As I am just starting back to this run/walk stuff, I will have to go easy, but I think I can not go over the 40-45 minutes, without overdoing it.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

First training meeting and run.

The meeting today was great. The information from Fleet Feet was fantastic. The walk/run was refreshing in the brisk air, made better by the sunshine we haven't seen in months(?).

I haven't run regularly in 15 or more years, though Jana and I have occasionally walked 2-3 miles in good weather. We are looking forward the Chicago and the challenge ahead of us. We have never done anything like this, but are determined to see it through. We see the gains in self-assurance, discipline, and improvement in health as motivators to keep us on course.

I look forward to meeting new friends over the next 9 months as we travel together on this journey.