Monday, February 12, 2007

Hangin' In There...

I've been doing "my time", just haven't been blogging. I will have to work this into my schedule - somewhere.

Guys, we've all gone from different levels of non-exercise to 200+ minutes a week of workout. WAY TO GO !!!!

The training Saturday was really good - stretching is soooo important, yet so 'skipped over'. I think grouping us by age was amazing - so many people in the 41-46/47 category - not sure what that says, but you guys were on the opposite side of the gym from me who was closer to the END of the line (50+). Actually I turned 55 today, so Chicago will be my double-nickel goal. No cake or ice cream for me - strickly nutritious eating.

I enjoyed the walk/run in Clinton, except for maybe the HILLS. Jana (my wife who got me in to this crazy thing) and I ran together and met our pre-run goal of 22 minutes. We are slowly increasing our walk/run times to get our average time better.
I hope we can get that down to 13-14 min. per mile and finish between 5 & 6 hours. But that will be a big challenge!

40 minutes this afternoon - hope the rain holds off.


Mark Simpson said...

What better way to celebrate the double nickel than in Chicago!

Christa said...


Chicago_or_Bust said...

Thanks Mark and Christa!