Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Oh! Sooooo Sore !

Yesterday I had anticipated such a good birthday. Then came work and a normally 4-5 hour heart surgery case (anesthesiologist here), became a 10 hour mentally and physically draining procedure. Got the patient to ICU stable, but boy were the surgeon and I drained! My original plan was to be through by noonish, head home and do my 40 minute run, then go out for an early sushi dinner with my wonderful wife. She would then go to her art class from 6-9pm and we would watch the 2 hour TIVO'd '24' when she got home - perfect plan for a birthday! Well, forget that!

I got home after she had left for class and had already eaten a nice dinner she cooked. I quickly changed and made my run in the dark (real fun on Madison streets in the dark). I speeded up, running 2 min. and walking 1 min., finishing the 3 miles in 40' 30". (That was the fastest I've runned in 20 years). Heated up and enjoyed the dinner. By the time she got home, we were both too tired to do the '24' thing - save it for tomorrow (Jack Bauer will have to wait a little longer to save the world).

Today I feel it! Whoa! Could hardly move this morning. Especially my lower back. Stretched it different ways. Then I see Mark's email that he has a new podcast dealing with "Soreness after exercise". What great timing - Mark, as they say - "You are da bomb!"

Well, enough whining! I told Jana this morning, who is feeling the same soreness, - this is a resistance wall we have to break through MENTALLY and keep pushing - persistence - and we will get through it.

30 minutes at the Fitness Center this afternoon - track or treadmill? So many decisions.........

1 comment:

Mark Simpson said...

No, you da bomb... after Jack Bauer!