Saturday, May 26, 2007

Saturday Run...

Well, all I've got to say is that riding up and down the trails and observing everybody was really impressive! Ya'll are all looking so good. Everyone seemed to be running their own race, hydrating, and actually completing 10 MILES !! Woohoo !

Forget about those ole 'Team in Training' guys - they only ran 4 miles today, NOT 10 !

I rode the whole course twice (20.68 miles-yes it was 10.34 miles according to Jana's Garmin GPS). That is the longest time and distance I have ever ridden on a bike. I had to peel off the bike seat at Fleet Feet ! No injuries I heard of, except a few blisters. Make sure you have the proper running sox (not cotton ones) AND if you bought new ones back when we started this adventure, it's probably time for some new ones - those old ones have likely lost their protective properties.

We will be out of town next week and Saturday. My middle daughter (the 'superachiever' of my 3 kids) is getting married in Boulder, CO on Saturday. This will be my first child to get married - already had 2 stepdaughters to get married). Not all of my brothers and sisters are making the trip :-( , but we are going to have a wonderful, midmorning, garden wedding (75 degrees), a brunch and party to follow. Jana will likely post pix on her blog. She will look outstanding in her new dress, though she's worried about hobbling around ,since her ankle and knees are aching so bad today.

I plan to rent a bike and ride while Jana trains and puts in her 11 miles next Saturday. While you guys are complaining about hills, think about trying to breathe at 6000+ elevation! There are just so many oxygen molecules in the whole city of Boulder and our lungs will be screaming to possess every single one!

We will have our laptops and will keep up while gone.

See you guys at the rez for 12 miles on the 9th! Have a great Memorial Day and stop to remember our soldiers, past and present.



Kristy Jones said...

I hope you and Jana have a great trip! Weddings are so fun! My sister and I both got married last year only 7 weeks apart. We about drove my parents crazy! I won't be there either this weekend. See y'all on the 9th! :)

Debra said...

Not to be indelicate but I can't imagine how you feel when sitting down today after 20plus miles on the bike yesterday! You're doing a wonderful job keeping an eye on us. Thank you.
We survived our daughter's wedding last year. It was even more intense than marathon training!

Ya'll have a great trip. Don't make Dana train toooo hard.


lisathehornplayingturtle said...

Tell Robin congratulations on her wedding and the doctorate. I look forward to seeing her in July. It's always nice seeing you and Robin Simpson on the course checking on everybody. I'm just sorry you can't do the marathon. Don't let Jana run too hard at that elevation. She will feel like she's out of shape. Makes me out of breath just thinking about it. Hey, you could carry an oxygen tank for her on your bike while she's running. HA! Have a wonderful trip!

stephanie said...

LOL!! You guys are great!! have a great time at the wedding. I will be gone the next weekend to Florida for my sister's wedding! :O) Be careful.

cjonesrun said...

Thanks, Clark, for the comment about the Mediterranean diet---not familiar with that one but like the daily red wine requirement! I'll check out info on the diet 'cause I want to get this chol. lower. It is 230 which is not horrible, but the HDL and LDL are over and under also. This upcoming wedding is going to be a little emotional for ole dad, but the good news is, she is off the payroll, hopefully. Hope you and Jana have a great time!