Friday, February 16, 2007

End of Week 3

Well, Week 3 is just about over and Sunday will be the start of Week 4. I've probably lost close to 5 pounds (didn't weigh today) and my clothes are clearly fitting more loosely. Whoohoo! My seconday goal for this MM07 is to lose 50 pounds.

All the soreness I had Monday, worked itself out (with the help of stretching and a good dose of ibuprofen) and by the time I hit the treadmill at the Bapt. Fitness Ctr. Tuesday afternoon, I was feeling pretty good. I did almost 3 miles during the 30 minute run - the time sure goes fast when I plug in and watch one of the TV's!

Wednesday, Jana and I ended up at the Fitness Ctr. about the same time, did our 30 min. of XT, then beat the main crowd to Little Tokyo for some Valentine's Day sushi !

Thursday was pretty cold again, so the treadmill had to endure me again - for 40 min. I am doing a 3 min. run at 5 mph and a 2 min. walk at 3.5 mph. At about 25 minutes yesterday, I increased one interval to a 5 min. run. Anyway, I wasn't too sore afterwards, but I am glad to have a day off today!

I will be On Call Saturday, so whether I make the training or the run or both depends on surgical emergencies or moms in labor on Saturday. Since the training will be at the Fitness Center this time, and I will be covering Baptist on call, I might be able to make both.

Anyway, thanks to Mark and Matt for recording the trainings - really helps for those of us who have to miss a session !!!!


Kayra said...

I delivered my twins at Baptist. do you know Dr. Jermaine Gray? He is my very good friend and doctor. wow, you did great this week, way to go!

Chicago_or_Bust said...

Thanks, Kayra. 9 month old twins and doing this Marathon. Good for you! Yes, I do know Dr Gray. He keeps me busy many nights!