Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Well our weekend in Birmingham went well. We actually got up at 5:30 am and used the treadmills Saturday at the hotel fitness center to put in 2 miles. These treadmills produced inclines with the INterval settings, so we got some hills like you guys did on Saturday, but I don't think we got the full impact of the notorious "last hill" on all the posts!

We got home Sunday about 6 pm, went to Strawberry patch park in Madison and walked (no jogging) for 30 minutes (2 laps) for our XT.

Monday was the big day - back to 45 minutes on the run. I got home late so went to Strawberry patch again (about 7:30 pm) and was amazed at how many people were on the track! Some may have been MM'ers, but hard to tell at night. I did 2 min. intervals after warming up and stretching. I ran/walked for 47 minutes, stopping at the 3.5 mile marker. My average lap time was 13:04. Clearly the fastest time I have had since I quit running about 20 years ago! The best part was that the pains in my shins (and especially my right knee) failed to materialize. Maybe I am finally working through some of these 'older age / out of shape' aches and pains.

A good friend in North Carolina, who ran marathons in his younger years emailed me that he always walked for several minutes to warm up his muscles BEFORE stretching. After stretching, he then started his long runs. I tried that last night, walking for about 3 minutes, stretched, then started my run - it definitely seems to work better that way. I takes a little extra time, but prevention of injury is paramount in my mind as we train for the CM.

Only 32 weeks to go!

1 comment:

VICKIE said...

ive been having some trouble with my shins lately,, and found that walking before i do anyting else has helped me alot, hope it helps you also,