Friday, November 30, 2007

Jana - Dog Attack

This is quick note to those reading the Blogs to let you know that Jana was knocked down and attacked by three large dogs while running this morning (Mandy, I know it is Friday rest day!).

She is in Hot Springs, AR visiting with her daughter and decided to run this morning while Jill was at work. Three dogs came off a porch barking and despite her slowing to a walk, they attacked her and bit her on the legs. She got up and tried walking away but was attacked a second time before they left her alone. She sustained a bad road burn of her arm and a bad sprain in the fall. Her daughter took her to the ER where she got sewn up on her arm and both legs plus a splint on her arm.

The dogs have been picked up and detained.

When I last talked with her, she had calmed down considerably and was concerned about her torn up running tights and jacket!

She is supposed to be driving home Saturday, but if too sore, I will have to drive over and get her (6 hr one way).

Please put her on your prayer list for physical healing as well as emotional healing.


PS - Mark, you need a DVD explaining how dangerous to your health this running is - stress fractures, IV's during the summer (Phil), hospitalizations in Chicago, bike accidents (Jana,Sheila,Kelvin) and dog attacks! :-)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Chicago Pics

Several have asked for copies of some of the pictures I took in Chicago. I have loaded them into an album on the Kodak Gallery website. The link is below (be careful when you copy it) and you are welcome to order any prints you wish.



Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Marathon Photos

You can go to this Flikr web site and view my set of photos from our Chicago trip.


Saturday, September 8, 2007

Home from traveling/ Meeting today

We returned this week after visiting Jana's daughter & husband (Jamie & Justin) in Kansas City and my recently married daughter and husband (Robin & Ken) in Seattle.

Robin and Ken taking a needed rest in Pioneer Square (Seattle) after Jana walked us all to death shopping (her version of XT)!

We spent a lot of time in the "Public Market" which was celebrating its 100th birthday of local growers selling direct to the public. The selections of flowers and fresh vegetables were upstaged only by the 'aroma' of the fresh fish!!! This market is also the home of the first Starbucks.


First, I want to SHOUT OUT (like my friend above) to ALL YOU MARATHONERS !!!!!

I have been very disappointed I was unable to complete the training, but I have been so proud of ALL of you EVERY week! The training, the injuries, getting the "stuff" out on the blogs - it's all been such a terrific journey. I want to thank Mark and Robin for developing this fantastic program that provides such an indepth makeover for our lives.

For those who have tried to discourage US along the way, I have a special "Troll" picture for them.

This guy lives under a huge bridge in Fremont (an artsy, funky, free-loving district of Seattle). He is made of concrete; and that is an actual Beetle car (concrete-covered) under his left hand.

Jana has been a real trooper in dealing with this tibial stress fracture. It has been much worse than the heel one. We walked in the hotel pool and did the elliptical and treadmill (her) and the bike (me) while we were on the rode. She is trying to build up her endurance so she can compete AND complete the CM. Today we rode 25 miles on our bikes (from our house in Madison to Campfire Circle - the one you guys run around - and back)!

We are all going to have a GREAT TIME in Chicago. The Marathon on Sunday will be the icing on the cake. As Mark said today - you are basically done training. Please stay healthy and just enjoy Marathon Day in the Windy City!


Monday, August 27, 2007

Quote for Chicago:

I get a daily humor/devotional email and today it had a great quote that seems appropriate for that BIG DAY in Chicago (or one of the other marathons, for that matter):

It comes from Hebrews 12:1....

"Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."

Have a Great Day,


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Wyoming Update

Great view of the Tetons on the way to Jackson, Wy.

Any travel log of Yellowstone would be amiss without a picture of the great "Old Faithful". It 'went off' shortly after we arrived at the Old Faithful Lodge and were waiting for dinner. Taken about 8:30 pm !

Getting "close up and personal" with a bison (buffalo) in the park. We saw elk, mule deer, a grizzly, Osprey, wild flowers, fantastic waterfalls and beautiful valleys.

This is 'my' painting crew that painted two bedrooms, a living room and all trim in a single lady's house (church member-center in the picture) in Cody. This was our team's project for Monday.

Monday night we had a Western music jam session in the parking lot of our motel. There were 3 different groups of musicians having a blast jamming - 'The New Pioneers', 'Western Shadows', "Trails and Rails', and 'Bill Barwick'-male western music vocalist of 2005.

Jana has been walking and wogging most days and is planning a wog for in the morning. I will post another blog tomorrow with a few more pics. Work project Tuesday, professional rodeo Tuesday night, white water rafting today. Thursday is a free day and we will do the Bill Cody Historic Center (5 museums), some shopping (thrilled) and start preparing catfish for a huge cooking on Friday. It was 95 degrees today - HOT (even with low humidity). This place is fantastic...... if it just didn't get to -35 degrees in the winter (4-5 months of winter).........



Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Boston Butts on the "Egg"

OK, I will give in and post my recipe/technique for cooking the Boston butt for the party. This is tailored for cooking on a Big Green Egg (BGE) smoker/grill - the last grill one will ever buy!

I used BBQ Rub (as pictured) which I call "Rebel Rub" and worked it into the meat liberally. I scored the fat and worked the rub into the meat of each cut.

I wrapped the meat in clear wrap and let sit in the frig for several hours (24 in this case).

Build a small lump charcoal fire, adding lots of soaked hickory chips. I added the 'plate setter' for indirect heat, a foil pan for drippings and placed the meat in a V-rack. Meat and pit temp probes were inserted, the lid closed and left for 12 hrs.

I liberally basted with apple juice, then returned to the BGE until the internal temp was 180 degrees. I removed them, wrapped them in aluminum foil and 'sweated them' for 2 hours in an insulated ice chest.

These are the Butts, unwrapped and ready to shred into "pulled pork". Serve with favorite barbeque sauce.

Bon Appetit,


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

MM Weatherman

Tony Mastro here..... Predicted morning temps for Saturday ----- 65 degrees !!! WooHoo !!

That should make the halfer a whole lot better than the 12 miler 2 weeks ago.

Jana and I rode our bikes this evening (6 pm) and it was 75 degrees - felt MUCH better. We rode about 12.5 miles on Hoghland Colony Parkway from Madison to the round about, but also explored the roads of Cypress Lake sbdvn and the new Township construction. Called in and picked up a veggie lovers pizza on the way home.

Nice outing.

Gotta get to bed. I was on call Monday and only got about 3 1/2 hrs of sleep - I'm getting tooooo old for so little sleep!


Saturday, May 26, 2007

Saturday Run...

Well, all I've got to say is that riding up and down the trails and observing everybody was really impressive! Ya'll are all looking so good. Everyone seemed to be running their own race, hydrating, and actually completing 10 MILES !! Woohoo !

Forget about those ole 'Team in Training' guys - they only ran 4 miles today, NOT 10 !

I rode the whole course twice (20.68 miles-yes it was 10.34 miles according to Jana's Garmin GPS). That is the longest time and distance I have ever ridden on a bike. I had to peel off the bike seat at Fleet Feet ! No injuries I heard of, except a few blisters. Make sure you have the proper running sox (not cotton ones) AND if you bought new ones back when we started this adventure, it's probably time for some new ones - those old ones have likely lost their protective properties.

We will be out of town next week and Saturday. My middle daughter (the 'superachiever' of my 3 kids) is getting married in Boulder, CO on Saturday. This will be my first child to get married - already had 2 stepdaughters to get married). Not all of my brothers and sisters are making the trip :-( , but we are going to have a wonderful, midmorning, garden wedding (75 degrees), a brunch and party to follow. Jana will likely post pix on her blog. She will look outstanding in her new dress, though she's worried about hobbling around ,since her ankle and knees are aching so bad today.

I plan to rent a bike and ride while Jana trains and puts in her 11 miles next Saturday. While you guys are complaining about hills, think about trying to breathe at 6000+ elevation! There are just so many oxygen molecules in the whole city of Boulder and our lungs will be screaming to possess every single one!

We will have our laptops and will keep up while gone.

See you guys at the rez for 12 miles on the 9th! Have a great Memorial Day and stop to remember our soldiers, past and present.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Friday Night - "Carb loading"

Check the Forum - several of us are gathering Friday night at Macaroni Grill (off County Line) and are using "Pre-run carb loading" as the "excuse". We need a pretty close head count, so post on the Forum or here and we will include you at the table (s). Trying for 5:30 ish - to get ahead of the Friday night crowd.

(Have ya'll noticed how many people eat out on Friday nights? As a life-long Jacksonian, I am amazed. It used to be fairly easy to get a table at a nice restaurant, now you have to go real early - with the 'blue-haired seniors' - to have a chance at eating at a reasonable time!) I digress......

Biked several days this week and I am really noticing that I'm getting stronger at it. Yesterday Jana and I biked the RIdgeland trail (where ya'll run Saturday), up to hiway 51, down Harbor Rd (closed), to the Breakers and then to the Cock of the Walk - about 8 miles. I've got to get Jana to quit 'lolly-gagging' along, though, like a Sunday afternoon stroll! Today, while she ran with the Lakeshore Thursday group, I rode up to Fox Bay (our last Sat. route), around the Fox Bay neighborhood and back to the park - in about an hour - the time they took to run/walk for 5 miles. It was a great afternoon and had a great workout, as did the others.

See everybody Saturday.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Saturday WX Forecast!


Get this --- predicted low for Saturday is in the 48-51 degree range! No kidding ! Isn't that going to be a fantastic break from the past week or so?

It was so nice and cool this evening. I really wanted to bike, but had to make a late Mother's Day visit to my Stepmom and Dad. Had a great visit with them, but really wanted to ride.......

I am planning (if I don't get stuck at work) to bike at the rez tomorrow afternoon with my pastor, also an avid rider. We might even see some of the MM crowd if they do their Thursday afternoon run. Yell at me, if I ride past you!

Keep on, you great Marathoners!!!!!


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Saturday's Long Run....

Well it sounds like everyone had a great run on Saturday, despite the heat! I'm glad there were no reports of injuries in my absence. I hope that's a sign of future injury-free runs!

Jana understated the "hills" in her blog. I don't think there was any part more that a quarter mile that didn't have some kind of grade to it. We found a dirt road that took us around the back of the lake, across a rickety bridge and up an eroded incline that went on forever! She actually did a 2min run interval AND a 2 min walk interval all on that one incline. I had to put the bike in the lowest gear to keep moving up the grade - and she actually started to pass me on her jog. But, being the Alpha male, I couldn't let that happen, so I grunted up some energy and got back ahead - how male!!

I think we will all enjoy the flat terrain this Saturday at the Rez.

Hydration is the key as it gets hotter and more humid. The joint aches, headaches and exhaustion are all signs of different degrees of dehydration. It is important to keep hydrated all week, not just on Saturday. For those who have high blood pressure and/or may take a diuretic (fluid pill), it's even more important to keep your water intake high!

I will have my cell number on the sign-up sheet Saturday, so those who run with cell phones can give me a call if they encounter someone with a problem on the run.


Tuesday, May 1, 2007

New Week.

I am trying to get into some kind of 'groove' with this cycling thing. Jana and I parked on our lot and then rode around Lake Caroline Sunday afternoon. We rode for about 2 hours, but walked through 2 open houses and visited with a Conservation Officer friend, so I figure we actually rode about 1 1/2 hours. The weather was great and the Lake really looked inviting - I guess some future XT will be cleaning up and servicing the pontoon boat for this season - yuck! Jana commented that Sunday would have been a great evening for what we call a "booze cruise" - leisurely riding around the shoreline on the pontoon, sipping on wine and watching the sunset - always a relaxing, pleasant time.

Monday I worked til dark and do NOT ride the bike after dark - just too dangerous, so this afternoon while Jana ran at the Strawberry park (her best time yet!), I rode pretty hard for 8 miles in 40 minutes. I actually rode up to the park (took my chances on St. Augustine Street), and walked one of her intervals with her, sharing my water. Then rode home and started supper - cut up 2 kinds of bell peppers, onion, mushrooms, garlic and olive oil, seasoned some salmon, then cooked the veggies and the salmon on the grill. Served both over whole wheat angel hair pasta with a little parmesian cheese. Now that was a super supper! [You know, I just spoil her, don't I? :-))) ] OK girls, trying for points here! Ha!

If any of ya'll are looking for a Father's Day gift - I got my Big Green Egg grill last year on Father's Day (Madison Fireplace and Patio had a special last year). I will never use another type grill, ever! It is by far the best - grill, barbecue, smoke, slow cook, you name it. Makes the best steaks (oops, I don't think steaks are a super food - forget I said that).

Keep on - Marathoners!


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Comin' Home!

Well, it's the last night of our cruise and we are in the home stretch - will arrive in NOLA at 7am tomorrow (Thursday). We almost missed the ship leaving on Saturday. After the run in Clinton, we dashed home to Madison, showered, changed clothes, finished packing, ran by the bank, grabbed a 'superfood' Wendi's burger (first since starting MM) and arrived in NOLA at 2 pm. There was a bad wreck on the Interstate near Causeway Blvd exit and we were stuck for an hour. Made it to the cruise terminal with 30 min. to spare!

I cracked the whip and had Jana on the Treadmill or Elliptical EVERY MORNING!! No kidding. We workied out, according to the MM schedule, before 8am every morning, including all the machines in the gym today. Jana also ran the elliptical 30 min this morning after the machines. It's a good thing, because with all the food around this place, all you 'teenage eaters' woud be in paradise!

We've had great weather, and a great time. Highly recommended for R&R. No phones, no email, no blogs (missed them) and no worries, except deciding WHERE to eat next!

Hey, isn't technology amazing. I can sit in the lobby of the crusie ship and be online (fairly good high speed). Also, now cell phones work pretty much anywhere in the Caribbean on the ship, as well as in Mexico. (Can't imagine the per minute cell charges, but at least it's available).

See everybody Saturday morning (except poor Mark) at the REZ.

Clark (and Jana)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Finally, A Blog...

I haven't blogged in a while, I guess because I'm been down and out about my knee and not being able to participate.

Congratiulations to Debra (2nd place) and Jana (3rd place) walkers in their age category!!! I'm really proud of Jana because I was worried about her when I had to pull out. She can easily get discouraged and many of you have really helped her get fired up about this whole thing. Thanks to ALL of you for that !! She was actually encouraging (pushing) others in the 5K!

I have enjoyed staying involved and encouraging others. I have started trying to build up cycling so that I can stay on the same training regimen as you guys. That way, maybe I can reach some goals along the way like I planned when I first started the MM program. My original goals were to run a marathon at age 55, lose 55 pounds by Chicago and finish under 5 hr and 50 minutes. So now I am sticking with the 55 pound goal and am trying to determine a cycling goal equivalent to a 5-50 marathon.

Mark and Robin have a great personal development program, built around training for a marathon. I hope they can effectively duplicate this in other areas so they can reach many more people each year. Look how diverse this group is and all the "stuff" that has already been sweated out on the road and in the blogs.

Have a great week - follow the training program (that means Friday is an OFF day, Mandy) - and let's all have a great day Saturday.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

On The Bench !!!

Went for my post op follow-up yesterday and learned the results of the surgery:

1) Lateral meniscus (a washer-like cushion in the knee) is now missing the front half (old injury that he had no choice but to trim out).
2) The cartilage on my femur (upper leg) that rotates in this meniscus was worn to the bone from the old injury and was drilled out to try to encourage repair and regrowth of the cartilage.
3) Running is now off my list of choices - permanently.
4) Distance walking is gone also. So my option of walking the Chicago Marathon with Jana is history.
5) He said he doubted my knee would hold up to all the training and the 26.2 miles, and I would definitely cause lifelong damage to my knee. I really can't let a short term goal cause me to have permanent knee problems 15- 20 years from now. I want to be remain active for many years to come! (My father is more active at 80 than most men in their 60's).

Needless to say, we are both pretty depressed about this whole turn of events. Jana got me into this and we were really enjoying doing this together! So, I now gotta find her a new training partner.

I am still a Marathoner, just in Spirit now and not in training, and still going to Chicago! I will come to the Saturday events and do whatever I can to assist Mark, Robin, and Matt. I guess I move from player to "trainer" & help the whole team succeed!

Thanks for everyone's concern and encouragement.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Injured Reserve...

I sure hate sitting on the sidelines. :-(

My MRI showed the torn medial meniscus and possibly a torn lateral one also. Anyway, the surgery is scheduled for Thursday afternoon. Don't look forward to that; even though I've spend my whole adult life in surgery, anesthetizing patients, it's never fun to be on the 'other side'.

I plan to attend the meeting Saturday - wouldn't miss it for anything. The Makeover concept is so good. Most of us need the accountability to 'stay the course' and that's exactly what Mark and Robin and Matt have provided - the accountability to the group; to train on a regular schedule and to look forward to interacting with the group on Saturdays.

I miss the trainings and XT days, and will try to get back into it as soon as my ole knee will let me walk, then run. I plan to do XT on as many days as I can to keep my endurance level elevated and not let it drop.

Thanks to all for the encouragement!


I AM a Marathoner!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Saturday Run

The Saturday training was very good. Randy really delivered helpful information. We are getting our Runner ID's ASAP! In the past Jana has made fun of me because I always put my driver's license in a pocket when I go to run or bike. I felt like if some deviant driver took me out, at least the EMT's would know who I was! The Runner ID is a great idea.

I ran with Jana Saturday (actually it was wogging - I just don't like the sound of "wog"). We did 2 minute intervals (except she had to have one extra 2 min. walk). We averaged 12:35/mile for the 2.7 miles. Not bad for beginners early in the training.

It did aggrevate my knee injury, though, and I have had much more swelling and soreness today, despite icing this afternoon. I decided to skip the XT today. If my MRI report Monday supports a torn meniscus, I will try to get the scope done Thursday afternoon. With Friday to recover, I will be at the training Saturday.

Thanks to all of you who have been supportive and encouraging about this dumb ole knee injury. I'm just thankful it was now and not in July or August, which would have kept me from making the Starting Line.

I AM a Marathoner!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Results Monday...

I wil ahve to wait until MOnday to get my MRI results. So, for tomorrow, I will have to be content to be Jana's cheerleader for the Saturday walk/run.

That means I will have to program her watch for Intervals, as she is far from Tech-savy!

See everyone tomorrow.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Awaiting verdict !

I had my MRI knee scan late today at the MS Sports Med. Clinic. Will call and try to get the results in the am, otherwise I won't get official results until Monday. It is really strange, because my knee hurts VERY LITTLE, but still has the fluid on it.

I'm not sure if I will be able to walk (even slowly) on Saturday - will do what the doc says - despite what my wife thinks, I CAN follow directions! :-) Either way I wil make the training and be a cheerleader if not walking.

If I need arthroscopy, I am gong to try and get it done ASAP, so I can work my way back into training, because....

I AM a Chicago Marathoner!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Knee Injury

Well the knee pain I have been feeling off and on, and especially the "tightness" I have felt inside my knee since Saturday are now defined. Torn Medial meniscus (most likely). MRI Thursday to definitively diagnosis it. I have a significant effusion (fluid in my knee joint) and pain at the medial meniscus area, which didn't hurt until the surgeon pushed on it! I have no knowledge of an injury, but he said it could have been an old injury, worsened with all the new running.

Dr. Shelton said if it is torn, I can get a quick scope, get it "buffed up", get back in training and still be on track for Chicago! What the optimist. Well, that's my plan if I have to have it done.

What's so bad is that my knee doesn't really hurt - it just feels real tight in the inside. I took ibuprofen and iced it after our walk/runs on Monday and Tuesday (3.75mi. and 2.5mi.), but the effusion is definitely a clue somethin' ain't right!

I've been down most of today, cause we were really getting into this 6 days-a-week training and I had already lost 7 pounds (sorry girls). :-) This is a pretty serious setback. BUT, I am trying to get any surgery scheduled ASAP, so I can quickly catch up - before you guys get into really long runs.


Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Well our weekend in Birmingham went well. We actually got up at 5:30 am and used the treadmills Saturday at the hotel fitness center to put in 2 miles. These treadmills produced inclines with the INterval settings, so we got some hills like you guys did on Saturday, but I don't think we got the full impact of the notorious "last hill" on all the posts!

We got home Sunday about 6 pm, went to Strawberry patch park in Madison and walked (no jogging) for 30 minutes (2 laps) for our XT.

Monday was the big day - back to 45 minutes on the run. I got home late so went to Strawberry patch again (about 7:30 pm) and was amazed at how many people were on the track! Some may have been MM'ers, but hard to tell at night. I did 2 min. intervals after warming up and stretching. I ran/walked for 47 minutes, stopping at the 3.5 mile marker. My average lap time was 13:04. Clearly the fastest time I have had since I quit running about 20 years ago! The best part was that the pains in my shins (and especially my right knee) failed to materialize. Maybe I am finally working through some of these 'older age / out of shape' aches and pains.

A good friend in North Carolina, who ran marathons in his younger years emailed me that he always walked for several minutes to warm up his muscles BEFORE stretching. After stretching, he then started his long runs. I tried that last night, walking for about 3 minutes, stretched, then started my run - it definitely seems to work better that way. I takes a little extra time, but prevention of injury is paramount in my mind as we train for the CM.

Only 32 weeks to go!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Ending of 4th Week....

This has been a good week, staying on schedule UNTIL today :-(

I went in early, busted it with a long schedule to try to get done in a reasonable time to get in my 45 minutes before dark. Well, someone dropped the ball and caused a long delay before my last case and it threw everything off, especially my attitude. I didn't have the mental energy to overcome the aches and pains and push myself to a workout. Jana was already making supper, so I decided to consider today as my OFF day and put in my 45 minutes on Friday. That should work since our Saturday runs are not getting very long -----YET ! We will definitely need the OFF day on Friday when those Sat. runs get much longer.

We will be in Birmingham for a meeting on Saturday, so we will put in our 2 miles at the hotel fitness center - no way I am even going to consider ANY of those hills in Birmingham! We will miss the meeting and comraderie of the group.


Friday, February 16, 2007

End of Week 3

Well, Week 3 is just about over and Sunday will be the start of Week 4. I've probably lost close to 5 pounds (didn't weigh today) and my clothes are clearly fitting more loosely. Whoohoo! My seconday goal for this MM07 is to lose 50 pounds.

All the soreness I had Monday, worked itself out (with the help of stretching and a good dose of ibuprofen) and by the time I hit the treadmill at the Bapt. Fitness Ctr. Tuesday afternoon, I was feeling pretty good. I did almost 3 miles during the 30 minute run - the time sure goes fast when I plug in and watch one of the TV's!

Wednesday, Jana and I ended up at the Fitness Ctr. about the same time, did our 30 min. of XT, then beat the main crowd to Little Tokyo for some Valentine's Day sushi !

Thursday was pretty cold again, so the treadmill had to endure me again - for 40 min. I am doing a 3 min. run at 5 mph and a 2 min. walk at 3.5 mph. At about 25 minutes yesterday, I increased one interval to a 5 min. run. Anyway, I wasn't too sore afterwards, but I am glad to have a day off today!

I will be On Call Saturday, so whether I make the training or the run or both depends on surgical emergencies or moms in labor on Saturday. Since the training will be at the Fitness Center this time, and I will be covering Baptist on call, I might be able to make both.

Anyway, thanks to Mark and Matt for recording the trainings - really helps for those of us who have to miss a session !!!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Oh! Sooooo Sore !

Yesterday I had anticipated such a good birthday. Then came work and a normally 4-5 hour heart surgery case (anesthesiologist here), became a 10 hour mentally and physically draining procedure. Got the patient to ICU stable, but boy were the surgeon and I drained! My original plan was to be through by noonish, head home and do my 40 minute run, then go out for an early sushi dinner with my wonderful wife. She would then go to her art class from 6-9pm and we would watch the 2 hour TIVO'd '24' when she got home - perfect plan for a birthday! Well, forget that!

I got home after she had left for class and had already eaten a nice dinner she cooked. I quickly changed and made my run in the dark (real fun on Madison streets in the dark). I speeded up, running 2 min. and walking 1 min., finishing the 3 miles in 40' 30". (That was the fastest I've runned in 20 years). Heated up and enjoyed the dinner. By the time she got home, we were both too tired to do the '24' thing - save it for tomorrow (Jack Bauer will have to wait a little longer to save the world).

Today I feel it! Whoa! Could hardly move this morning. Especially my lower back. Stretched it different ways. Then I see Mark's email that he has a new podcast dealing with "Soreness after exercise". What great timing - Mark, as they say - "You are da bomb!"

Well, enough whining! I told Jana this morning, who is feeling the same soreness, - this is a resistance wall we have to break through MENTALLY and keep pushing - persistence - and we will get through it.

30 minutes at the Fitness Center this afternoon - track or treadmill? So many decisions.........

Monday, February 12, 2007

Hangin' In There...

I've been doing "my time", just haven't been blogging. I will have to work this into my schedule - somewhere.

Guys, we've all gone from different levels of non-exercise to 200+ minutes a week of workout. WAY TO GO !!!!

The training Saturday was really good - stretching is soooo important, yet so 'skipped over'. I think grouping us by age was amazing - so many people in the 41-46/47 category - not sure what that says, but you guys were on the opposite side of the gym from me who was closer to the END of the line (50+). Actually I turned 55 today, so Chicago will be my double-nickel goal. No cake or ice cream for me - strickly nutritious eating.

I enjoyed the walk/run in Clinton, except for maybe the HILLS. Jana (my wife who got me in to this crazy thing) and I ran together and met our pre-run goal of 22 minutes. We are slowly increasing our walk/run times to get our average time better.
I hope we can get that down to 13-14 min. per mile and finish between 5 & 6 hours. But that will be a big challenge!

40 minutes this afternoon - hope the rain holds off.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Starting the second week...

To Baptist fitness center today and whipped out 30 minutes on the recumbent bike. Felt good!

I was planning to get up EARLY Monday morning and put in 40 minutes of walk/run combo, but the 27-28 degree forecast is a little too cold, even with some of this new "tech" clothing bought Saturday at Fleet feet!

I will have to make time later in the day to do it. One mile from my house to Strawberry Park in Madison, one mile in the Park and one mile return. As I am just starting back to this run/walk stuff, I will have to go easy, but I think I can not go over the 40-45 minutes, without overdoing it.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

First training meeting and run.

The meeting today was great. The information from Fleet Feet was fantastic. The walk/run was refreshing in the brisk air, made better by the sunshine we haven't seen in months(?).

I haven't run regularly in 15 or more years, though Jana and I have occasionally walked 2-3 miles in good weather. We are looking forward the Chicago and the challenge ahead of us. We have never done anything like this, but are determined to see it through. We see the gains in self-assurance, discipline, and improvement in health as motivators to keep us on course.

I look forward to meeting new friends over the next 9 months as we travel together on this journey.